The one thing I love about my work is that I’m constantly learning about things I never thought I’ld find interesting.
In this instance it was how potholed littered roads, on the outskirts of Nelspruit, Mmpumalang, are recycled by this very impressive machine called a recycler, cement powder scattered over this layer, watered, compacted over and over again, watered, rolled, left to dry for a period of a couple of weeks before the bitumen is finally applied. One kilometre of this kind of pre-bitumen preparation takes up to 2 days to finalise.
There is also something quiet exciting about being up close to those impressive beast-like machines in order to capture their soul and that of the project so that the images speak for themselves.
Take a look below at how their long day starts with the most beautiful easterly sunrise to the roads being lit up by the compacters lights well into the early evening.
I couldn’t help capture the joy and novelty these brand new roads brought to the local children.
The Nguni cows approved too.
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